Saturday, April 19, 2008

Emails, Facebook, VIPs

We finally got around to using the Facebook groups, and the responses are pouring in now. My impression at this point is that about many more people know about the Reunion than have responded. A second emailing, and possibly a postal mailing, will be necessary to get them.

Tonight, an alum stopped by to check out the place. Just from one guy, for 1 hour, i learned so much interesting stuff... We've got some great RSVPs, too, from all sorts of people.

Rich is currently attacking the email responses. This weekend, we'll try to flatten the entire mountain of them. We'll also integrate the harvested Facebook info and combine our spreadsheets into one. Tonight, i made a full list of the VIPs and put them into a separate spreadsheet. I'm contacting each in whatever way is appropriate.

Next, we need to, like SJ suggests, decide on some task-roles for the Reunion organizers. We need to have a Boston meeting, with Frisbe, Alex, SJ, Rich, me, Co-opers, and whoever else is nearby and interested. Then set a schedule. Then do another mailing.

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